Screw Conveyors

Screw conveyors are among of the oldest and most economical methods off handling semi-solid bulk materials such as drill cuttings. The VIDA BEM conveyor system is comprised of a family of stock components designed for assembly into custom configurations that meet your specific material handling requirements. Our drive sections feature a rugged motor and gearing suited to handle your material’s weight and density. All troughs are constructed of heavy-duty steel plate coated with industrial strength epoxy paint. Sealed hanger and end bearings support the long-wearing steel auger. Super-duty coupling shafts connect the auger between sections. Options include pushbutton electric start and speed control, safety gates and an emergency stop device. Contact your VIDA BEM representative to discuss your requirements and configure a system that’s right for you!
Options Available:
Top Mounted Safety Grates
Remote Stop Switch
Strobe Light and Alarm Horn
Controls Available
Drive Section: The conveyor section has the gearbox and motor mounted either directly to it, or in closest proximity. This section consists of the drive and all of its components, such as the trough endplate, screw, trough and cover. For a pulling conveyor, a discharge spout is fixed to the trough, typically close to the drive, to maximize the conveying length.
Midsection: The conveyor section couples to the drive section when three or more sections are joined together. The midsection consists of a trough, screw, cover, hanger frame, hanger bearing and coupling shaft. The midsection contains the least number of parts.
Tail Section: The tail section is the “terminal end” of the system. It has a discharge spout when set up as a pushing system. This section is farthest away from the drive section and follows the midsections. The tail section consists of all the same components as the midsection—plus a trough end flange, waste pack seal, tail shaft and the idle end bearing. The idle end bearing can be mounted either directly to the trough endplate, or a pillow block bearing can be used.