Shaker Screen Cleaner

Our easy to use shaker screen cleaners are designed to keep screens operating at maximum levels by ensuring they get thorough wash downs, thus minimizing premature failure. The VIDA BEM one-man system cleans screens in a fully enclosed container, providing full protection for workers and a cost-saving reduction on workers’ time management.
With the use of increasingly finer wire cloth in today’s drilling environment, the importance and cost control of screen optimization and cleaning maintenance has never been higher. The only effective method of cleaning shaker screens is with the use of a high pressure wash-down gun, which can cause additional issues for personnel and the work environment,particularly when drilling oil-based mud. In answering these issues, VIDA BEM supplies the Shaker Screen Cleaner, a fully enclosed system designed to clean shaker screens as effectively as possible while using the minimum amount of cleaning medium (water or base oil). Wash Fluid and Waste are fully contained and reclaimed for re-cycle or re-use thus creating a clean work environment.
• Either pneumatically or electrically driven
• Two distinct circuits for water or base oil
• Reclaims fluids and solids
• Fully enclosed —protects personnel and work site environment
• Accepts all shaker screen types
• Reduces fluid usage over conventional wash-down gun
• Operates at 3000psi -4.5 gpm
• Multiple jet nozzles ensures screen is cleaned in 2 passes (approximately 1 minute)
• Handheld wand can be connected for use as regular rig wash-down gun
• Explosion proof electrics -class I Div I